Khadija Riaz
2 min readApr 17, 2023


“We refuse to turn off our computers, turn off our phone, log off Facebook, and just sit in silence, because in those moments we might actually have to face up to who we really are.” ― Jefferson Bethke

The internet has had an enormous impact on our lives and will continue to do so for future generations. Young people can quickly and easily access information via the internet, accelerating their learning process. It gives them access to an infinite number of resources to study subjects they are interested in. They can connect with people around the world who share their interests with just a few clicks of a button.

However, this easy access to almost anything also comes at a cost: it can be extremely difficult for young people to avoid online distractions or content that is inappropriate while they are browsing the internet. Due to a lack of experience with face-to-face interactions, the increased reliance on technology may also make it difficult to establish interpersonal relationships in person. In addition, as more personal data is stored digitally across multiple platforms for convenience (like social media accounts), there is an increased risk that bad actors can access it.

However, despite the disadvantages and dangers of excessive technology and digitalization, The internet will unquestionably continue to play an important role in shaping future generations into educated citizens who are comfortable navigating life's challenges both online and offline. For instance, Not only do students have access to textbooks, but they can also learn more quickly thanks to extensive collections of journal articles and research papers!

To conclude, despite the fact that there are a few dangers associated with future generations' excessive reliance on digital technologies; The Internet certainly has enormous potential, providing us with opportunities for unprecedented connectivity and knowledge sharing if used extensively but responsibly.



Khadija Riaz

Hi I am Khadija Riaz and I am a student of Chartered accountancy.